Wageningen UR Livestock Research

GFLI FeedPrint International

The Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) is a non-profit feed and animal protein industry institute with the purpose of developing a publicly available life cycle analysis (LCA) database and tool, with the goal of being recognized as the global reference for Feed LCA data by the public and private sectors, LCA researchers, industry, and governmental bodies.

In order to support meaningful environmental assessment of animal nutrition products and stimulate continuous improvement of the environmental performance of the feed and animal protein value chains, GFLI's founding associations (i.e. AFIA, ANAC, FEFAC, IFIF, NSF) and their original consortium partners financed the development of the GFLI FeedPrint International tool.

A first version of this tool (i.e. FeedPrintNL) was developed in The Netherlands by Wageningen University & Research and Blonk Consultants and is used by many feed operators active in the Dutch market. GFLI financed the development of GFLI FeedPrint International in order to provide a tool that is linked to the GFLI LCI database, following the GFLI methodology and the PEFCR-Feed methodology, and is a freely accessible, windows-based application suitable for easy implementation by the compound feed industry and related suppliers and buyers, as well as other stakeholders.

One of the main features of the GFLI FeedPrint International tool is that it can be used as a lifecycle hotspot tool based on country-specific information, which is essential for performing scenario assessments. It enables the user to understand how supply chains can be improved, which is the basis for sustainable business development.

The GFLI FeedPrint International tool covers all upstream emissions of the feed production chain, ending with the compound feed as produced at feed mill.
The environmental impacts as prescribed by PEFCR-Feed are included and the quality of feed materials will be described according to PEFCR-Feed rules.

GFLI FeedPrint International is available for free when you complete and submit the following form:

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Purpose of use of the tool:
GFLI FeedPrint International
  You may approach me with questions about the use of GFLI FeedPrint International
  I accept the following terms of use:
  • GFLI FeedPrint International may be used for personal use and for the relationship with customers.
  • GFLI FeedPrint International may not be used for commercial purposes without written consent of the owners (for more information, please contact theun.vellinga@wur.nl).